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Acorn Health & Safety
Helen Fig
0117 958 2070
Unit 2 Tower Lane Warmley Bristol Avon

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First Aid Essentials for Sports Injuries
Find Out Everything You Need To Know About First Aid Essentials for Sports Injuries, 11/28/2023 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Bristol, UK - First Aid Essentials for Sports Injuries

Sports activities are an excellent way to stay active and have fun, but there are some inherent risks of injury in different sports environments. From high-speed collisions in rugby to careless tackles during football games – accidents can happen at any time without warning. Having the right first aid skills and knowledge is crucial for providing prompt care across popular sports. We outline the key principles that will help you provide quick assistance when needed while enjoying your favourite sport.

Acorn offers first aid training courses at their purpose-built training centre in Warmley (convenient for Bristol and Bath) or can send a fully trained expert Trainer to your club, which can prove very cost-effective if you have a number of coaches, parents or volunteers to be training. Call today on 0117 453 9278 for a bespoke quote for your club.

What You Need to Know About Assessing Sports Injuries

When faced with an injured player on the field, it is crucial to quickly assess their condition. Check for signs of consciousness, any visible physical abnormalities, or bleeding before asking simple questions about pain levels and awareness. This will help determine how severe the injury may be.

When faced with an emergency situation involving a potential head, neck, or spinal injury, it is crucial to act quickly but extremely cautiously. If you are concerned that an individual has a head, neck, or back injury, then you should not move them. Provide them and their family with reassurance and monitor their breathing while waiting for emergency medical assistance. If they are outside, protect them from the cold or hot weather. If you are concerned that it is a medical emergency, always call 999, and they will advise you on what you should do for emergency care while you wait for an ambulance.

When dealing with minor injuries, implementing the PRICE or RICE protocol is key.

PRICE stands for Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation

RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

For a long time, both PRICE and RICE principles have been advocated to help treat injuries within 72 hours.


In summary, it is about protecting the affected area from further harm while gently resting it and applying ice packs to reduce swelling and discomfort. Additionally, elevating limbs above heart level can help limit bleeding and inflammation by reducing blood flow in that region. Remember not to overdo any of these steps, as they are meant for short-term relief only until professional medical attention arrives or worsening symptoms occur.

You can read our full article here.

Acorn Health & Safety offers First Aid training courses at our Bristol training centre, or we can come to your place of work or different training locations of your choice to deliver private courses for you, depending on the number of attendees. Get in touch with us today by calling 0117 453 9278 or emailing us. You can also find a list of courses and dates here.

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