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Nu Flow Technologies
Cameron Manners
(800) 834-9597
7710 Kenamar Court

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Copper Pipe Repair Without the Major Landscape Damage
Nu Flow Technologies provides copper pipe repair, reducing the damage caused to landscaping and outdoor spaces., 11/22/2016 - Nu Flow Technologies is a leading sewer and drain repair specialist company that has been catering to clients since 1999. This well-established Canadian based company provides their clients with a unique repair solution to save them money, while reducing the damage to their landscaped gardens and outdoor spaces.

The company relies on a team of global plumbing partners to provide their unique approach to homeowners and business owners around the world. In 1999, when the company first started, they were manufacturing and installing patented trenchless sewer and drain lines to single family homes on a national scale.

In 2000, the president of Nu Flow Technologies, came up with an innovative and unique repair solution which works similar to a stent, used to open the arteries during heart surgery. This unique system is fast, effective and affordable and is now being used worldwide by plumbers to reduce costs and reduce damage to outdoor areas moving forward.

This company advised that when a line is damaged, the most common solution is to dig it up. As you can imagine, this causes considerable damage to outdoor spaces, especially when the clients has a beautifully landscaped area. The pipe is then pulled and a piece is put in to replace the damaged area, this means more seals and more places for potential future leaks. With the innovative system from Nu Flow Technologies, there is no major digging, a small hole will be dug to access the damaged pipe, the stent is inserted and opened and the hole is then covered.

Cameron Manners, the president at Nu Flow Technologies said “Our system is a very unique internal bladder system and it has been developed to reduce outdoor damage, butt also to save the plumbers time and the clients money. A pipe repair can take a day, if not more, our system can be carried out within hours, so our clients can start using their sewer and drain lines again with complete confidence and within the shortest period of time.”

Nu Flow Technologies is excited about the success of their repair system and advised that they are seeing more plumbers contacting them from around the world daily to become partners. All plumbing partners are carefully vetted to ensure that each and every client that uses their system receives a service that they can rely on and trust.

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