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Bruce Zahn

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Focus on Fitness La Quinta Asks Why Do We Want To Be Fit?
This palm desert country clubs has shared a bit of information regarding how to be focused on being fit for the new year., 1/07/2014 - Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? So far 2014 looks to be promising, after all it’s a new book. Palm desert country clubs have seen a boost in their membership, not just for the sport of golfing and physical fitness, but for social interactions as well. Keeping in mind that health should be at the forefront of any La Quinta country club member’s agenda, Leslie Shuffle ton, the fitness consultant here, has a few ideas. Shuffle ton is the fitness consultant and has been for a while, her columns are always focused on the best ways to lead healthy lifestyles and stay fit. This palm desert country clubs has shared a bit of information regarding how to be focused on being fit for the new year. First, she believes that we have the motivation to be fit because of the first realization - nobody is going to live forever. This is not to say keeping healthy in the New Year is not a priority. The healthier we try to live the longer we try to live. It’s a matter of beating the odds.

Quoting Dylan Thomas, Shuffleton recently stated that “we ‘rage against the dying of the light’” Why? Because the idea of death is unthinkable, and that is why we resolve to live healthier lives. When death does happen it’s important to understand that if you live a life that you can look back on and say that you made the best choices that you possibly could -then you should be happy. La Quinta country clubs in palm desert is dedicated to it’s members, and as the New Year is upon everyone - reflecting on ones’ health is an important way to go.

Making poor food choices, eating processed foods and more will increase your risk to have a shorter lifespan. That is why consistently and each year people make a pledge to eat better in order to live longer lives. Leslie Shuffleton’s recent Palm desert country clubs post has an insight that is all too often ignored - that change occurs when it becomes unthinkable to act in another way. That is when good habits are created and bad habits are established. For all Palm desert country clubs and palm desert country club members at La Quinta, Shuffleton wishes all members the ability to stick with programs and to keep fighting for a healthy and happy new year.

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