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mayur verma

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Mayur Verma Premium And Talented Model And Actor
Mayur is from a family, which has business background. For them, the idea of being an actor is worthless., 12/16/2014 - Mumbai, India, Dec 16, 2014 — Announcement of the launch of MayurVerma. The premium and talented model and actor based in Mumbai, India.

Mayur Verma has launched his personal website online to increase the visibility over internet and to show people his true talent in Acting and Modeling. The website will also work as his portfolio, as he will keep updating his current jobs and the jobs he has done. He will also upload the photo-shoot he has done for the products and advertising agencies. This website will help him stay connected to his fans and followings. This website is the result of his love to stay in the pace with the world and technology. With the help of the technology, he wish to promote his work both nationally and internationally.

Mayur Verma is a talented actor and model from Mumbai, who has worked in several different TV shows and products. Some of the shows are, Jini and Juju from Sub TV (Sub TV is an India television channel which is known for its out of the box comedy serials), CID from Sony TV (Sony TV is known for its crime based TV serials) and Emotional Atyachar from Bindas TV (Again this channel has unique TV shows, just made for a specific age). Besides the TV shows, Mayur has also worked for several ad agencies.

Mayur is from a family, which has business background. For them, the idea of being an actor is worthless. Mayur had to join his family business; however, he was not that satisfied with his career in business. He had a goal of entering Bollywood (Indian film Industry), which was based in Mumbai. He tried to convince his parents to support him with his dream of being an actor and model; however, they did not comply. As a result, he made a plan to run away from his home and he did it. Within two day, he was in Mumbai to show people his true talent.

Mayur has been a hardworking person and that can been seen his talent as well as the body he has maintained for a quite long time. He keeps his gym schedule really tight that sometimes he does not have time to do some social activities with his friends and family. He is focused on his goal. He knows what he wish to do in the future. You can see the improvement in his performance with each act he does for the character he has been given in the TV shows. He does research and practices a lot to improve his skill. He believes in the phrase “life is all about learning.” And he follows it really strictly.

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