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Dharmendra Ahuja
AWFIS, 7th Floor, Gate No. 4, Ambience Mall Ambience Island, NH 48, Ambience Island, DLF Phase 3

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5 Buzzer Questions in the Making of Superb Animated Explainer Videos
Animated explainer videos are affordable, there are no expensive cameras, actors, lighting or locations required to create them., 12/01/2015 - Video as a medium is the future of content marketing. By 2019, 80% of consumer internet traffic is predicted to be video dominated. This flood makes it imperative to create captivating videos that cut through this noise! How?

With the magic of animation and the power of online videos. What you got yourself is a lethal combination of animated videos which helps to connect with better prospects and new customers and automatically makes you a stand out.

Animation is unique, grabs attention in ways completely unexpected. The possibilities in creative sphere are limitless in animation. You can simply do explain anything you desire with animation. Animated explainer videos are affordable, there are no expensive cameras, actors, lighting or locations required to create them.

Do you have a great story in mind to tell? Answer a few questions and by the end you’ll know what it takes to create a killer explainer video.

1: Who do you want to help?

First thing you need to ask yourself is who is in need of your products and services? What are their problems? What pain and frustrations are they struggling with? How are they feeling? What are the questions they’re looking answers for?

2: Why should they care about your product?

How do plan to make the lives of the group you’re targeting at better? What’s your value proposition like? How are you different from your competition? Why should they choose you vs. them? How satisfied will they be after using your product/services? Will they be happy, relieved, hopeful, excited etc.?

3: Who is your story for?

Always remember a golden rule when it comes to explaining your business position to your target audience in animated explainer videos: the story should about THEM not YOU. The story should focus on their problems, pain and their challenges. While watching the explainer, they should be able to see themselves in the script and characters. Take the excellent opportunity and show them you understand and care.

4: How do you plan to help?

Keep aside your product’s features and benefits for a while. Your animated explainer video should be completely focused on building that important emotional connection and trust with the consumer. It’s time to show you are “there” to makes lives better. Bragging about features and benefits won’t help because the audience doesn’t care. The animated characters in the video should feel relieved and better they found you!

5: Finally, your Call-to-action is?

You’ve kept everything in mind and have successfully created that emotional connect and trust. They’re fully engaged but what should they do to get hold of your solutions? This is where you need a simple, easy yet effective call-to-action. A simple “Click here to buy”, or a “Call Now”. Maybe “Download our ebook”, or “Give us your email address to find more”.

If you’re keen on creating a lasting impression on your audience with a killer animated explainer video then these questions are requisitory and extremely helpful to take steps ahead in the right direction.

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